Workshop for Camosun College Visual Arts Students

Once again I have been invited by the Visual Arts Department at Camosun College to teach a workshop on Bones, Space & Time. A special thank you to instructor Brenda Petays for inviting me back. This years workshop will be given on Monday, March 19, 2018 to a painting class of 22 students. The class is experimenting with a Jackson Pollack style approach/movement to painting with 4′ canvas or paper on the floor.


The purpose of this workshop is to help students to free their creativity by exploring their bodies through breath, voice and movement. The goal is to help students recognize the importance of body awareness and self care and it’s power in freeing their artistic expression and allowing them to better practice their craft.

I have done similar workshops in the past with students in the Visual Arts Department. Check out by blog post (see link below) from last year that showcases the students exploring body awareness and the wonderful masterpieces they were able to create as a result.

Freeing Creativity with SoundBody

The great thing about all the Voice & Movement offerings available through SoundBody Studio, is that they can be adapted into a wide variety of different workshops, classes and intensives for virtually any group that is interested in self-care and exploring their creative self. If you are part of a group, organization, class, association or professional or amateur group that would like to learn more about how breath, movement and voice can heal you soul, free your spirit, bring joy to your life and put energy in your step, please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss. Contact Bisia Belina at 250.384.1133 or email

SoundBody Studio (SoundBody) offers a unique system of health, stress and performance management that fuses voice and movement as a strategy for maintaining physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. 

For more information visit about what we do visit the About SoundBody Studio page of our website.