SoundBody Therapy Method
Through her experience operating a successful private practice as a Registered Massage Therapist since 1986, Bisia Belina has developed her own proprietary method called SoundBody Therapy. It is a system for self care that is accessible, repeatable and effective in managing discomfort and pain. It also merges well with other protocols of treatment.
SoundBody Therapy (SBT) is based on taking cues from a variety of mapping systems that inform the therapist on what type of treatment can follow. Maps to wholeness allow you to see and feel the pattern of constrictions and from there provide the ‘fulcrums’ that help the body self-adjust and find balance. Working with bones and spaces allows you to reset the proprioceptors and de-stress the strains and pulls in the muscular system. By doing so you can access a local area of complaint with less effort, you can work deeper and more efficiently and integrate the ‘part to the whole’
A SBT course offered twice a year and is approved for continuing education credits by the College of Massage Therapists of BC (CMTBC).

SoundBody Therapy
Training (Fall 2021)
(14 PE Continuing Education credits for RMTs)
Note: Method of course delivery may be required to change as we ensure all COVID health & safety measures are being implemented.
SoundBody Therapy Training is divided into both an online portion AND hands-on training portion.
Online Training includes:
- Sunday, September 19, 2021 – Directed Studies materials sent out electronically to all participants
- Monday, September 20, 2021 (Evening: Tentatively 7:30 pm to 9 pm) – Online Zoom training for 1.5 hours to discuss and clarify the self-assessment assignments
- Friday, September 24, 2021 (Evening: Tentatively 6 pm to 8 pm) – Online Zoom training for 2 hours, discussion and review of self-directed studies
Note: Time spent doing directed studies portion will be credited.
Hands-On Training Includes:
- Saturday & Sunday, September 25 & 26, 2021 (Days: 10 am to 3:30 pm) – On-site training in Victoria B.C. with hands-on practice implementing SoundBody Therapy techniques.
- Location: 4 Corners Community Collective (1508 Haultain St, Victoria, BC)
Note: COVID-19 health & safety practices will be implemented and strictly adhered to by all participants of the hands-on training portion of this course. Should health & safety restrictions limit our ability to meet live and on-site, rescheduling of the hands-on training portion of the course may be required.
Cost: (All prices include GST)
Regular = $460 (Payment deadline Monday, September 13, 2021)
Repeat Students = $425 (Payment deadline Monday, September 13, 2021)
Payment Options:
Remit E-transfers to
Remit cheques to Bisia Belina 3180 Jackson Street, Victoria B.C. V8X 1E3
Registration Policy:
Due to COVID-19 health & safety practices and restrictions, class size is limited. If you are interested in taking this course, please reserve your spot ASAP by contacting Bisia Belina at 250.384.1133 or Payment is required to secure your registration.
Cancelation policy:
Course registration may be canceled in writing prior to September 17, 2021. All payments made prior to cancelation will be reimbursed, minus a $50 administration fee. No refund for cancelations after September 17, 2021, unless cancelations are a result of changes to Provincial Health Orders and/or COVID health & safety requirements.
Note: Accommodations to the registration & cancelation policy can be made for those facing extenuating personal or financial circumstances. Please contact Bisia Belina (250.384.1133 or directly to discuss.
To register for a SoundBody Therapy Training contact Bisia at 250-384-1133 or
See all upcoming SoundBody Studio classes and workshops at