June 17, 2024


Sensing Anatomy: Flesh, Bones, & Space of Your Anatomy (For Everyone)

Saturdays, September 7, October 5, November 2 & December 7, 2024 (1:30 pm to 3:00 pm).

Sensing Anatomy: Flesh, Bones & Space of Your Anatomy (For Everyone) incorporates hands-on self-care and movement awareness training for anyone wanting to better understand and manage the source of aches and pains from repetitive movement patterns. Participants leave with a customized set of health and pain management tools to help reduce, manage, and eliminate pain. An experiential workshop series that focuses on releasing pain and tension in the shoulders, neck, jaw, spine and hips. Realign your structure. Rebalance your nervous system. Learn how working on the arms and legs releases tension in those areas.

Cost = $25 for one session. 

$20 each if pre-registered for 3 or more sessions.

Location = #202-1600 Bay Street, Victoria BC

SoundBody Method

Sensing Anatomy / SoundBody (Professional Development)

Saturdays, September 7, October 5, November 2 & December 7, 2024 (1:30 pm to 3:00 pm) + massage with Bisia + mentoring session(s).

Sensing Anatomy / SoundBody (Professional Development) is the perfect course for bodywork professionals looking to continue and expand their education, training and self-care. Learn to better sense your anatomy through interactive, hands-on self-care and movement. Relieve the aches and pains that come with engaging your body in repetitive patterns. This course fulfils the CMT-BC requirements for continuing education / professional and practice competencies development and registrant-directed learning activities.

If you wish to pursue Sensing Anatomy / SoundBody as a protocol to enhance your work or as part of your continuing education needs this is the format that I offer:

  • 3 Sensing Anatomy workshops/classes
  • The experience of receiving a massage from me to experience the holds and contacts that are taught in the self care classes. This is an opportunity to see how the holds would integrate with your work.
  • After the 3 classes and massage “mentoring” can begin, whenever you feel it’s time to connect. Mentoring can be done one-on-one or in a small group.
Cost = Contact for more information on pricing. Course costs can be customized to your professional development needs.
Location = #202-1600 Bay Street, Victoria BC
Vocal Body Arts with Bisia Belina

Introduction to SoundBody Improvisational Voice & Movement

Wednesdays, July 10, 17 & August 7, 2024

Introduction to SoundBody Improvisational Voice & Movement is about re-aligning and centering through self-expression to maintain your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Come find you way back to yourself using a fusion of voice and movement and music!

Cost = $25 for one session

$20 if pre-registered for all 3

Location = #202-1600 Bay Street, Victoria BC



SoundBody Wellness – Custom Workshop

June 18 & 20, 2024

SoundBody Wellness is a customized workshop for volunteers and staff being hosted at the International Cultural Association of Victoria.

Engaging Anatomy with Bisia Belina and Justina Bailey

Engaging Anatomy 

Mondays 10:30 – 11:30 am @ Gorge Pavilion

Bisia Belina & Justina Bailey co-teach this weekly fitness class that integrates anatomy awareness and movement re-patterning to release tension, ease pain and improve strength and mobility. This class uses minimal fitness equipment and is suitable for all fitness levels.